A Tour of Our Backyard

Last year, I shared with you all these wonderful screens that the hubs put together. They were put there because we had absolutely no privacy in our backyard. We have really enjoyed having them. We knew that after those were put in, we would want to do something with all of that grass.
 Back in the fall, the hubs and a few other guys helped strip out all the grass in this area to get it ready to turn into flower beds.
And after a ton of work during the winter, this is what became of it.
 He designed everything back here.
 Eventually the arborvitae will grow together, and there will be complete privacy.
 This is our little fire pit area. I need some new cushions for these chairs. Waiting for them to go on sale:o) And we are still trying to figure out what to do with all of that brick that is stacked up against the house...any ideas? And no, we are not doing a fireplace...too expensive:o)
 The kids love running across this little path. It's their "track" to run "super fast" on;o)
 This little stone patio was a splurge, but we really love it.
 The fluff of a dog sunning on my rug that I got for Christmas.
 The hubs put this cute little fence up around my garden a couple of weeks ago. This was supposed to be a project for next year, but a certain ball of fluff decided he wanted to eat the broccoli that I had planted in the garden...5 minutes after I had planted it!!
The fence will be painted white when the fall rolls around. 
I plan on putting some really pretty cascading flowers in the planters when the threat of frost is over.
 Last weekend we put in some netting for the peas to run up. I hope they do well. I plan to can them.
 This is our next area of the backyard to tackle...just down right ugly if you ask me. And this is the first thing you see when you walk into the back yard. We have plans, though...Oh yes, we have plans:o)
We really love our backyard and I hoped you enjoyed the tour:o)
Happy Tuesday!


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