Craft Room Makeover

I have been meaning to share my craft room. I finished it a looong time ago, but I never got around to taking pictures of it and posting about it.
I have barely set foot in here, other than working on a few things for S.R.'s Room at the beginning of the summer. Once the kids go back to school, I will have more time to work in here.

So, let me give you the tour of this walk-in-closet-turned-craft-room.
There isn't a lot of space, but it's perfect for what I am doing. 
The antique sewing machine belonged to an aunt or cousin of my mother's many moons ago...not exactly sure what her connection was. 
When I was a little girl, I used this sewing machine table as a desk to do my home work on. I can't tell you home many hours I popped that pedal up and down while working away on homework.
 The way I had the room set up before made it very difficult to stay organized. To see a before, you can go here.
I ripped out two wire shelves(FYI-they leave ENORMOUS holes in the wall), and gave the walls a fresh coat of paint.
I did a major cleansing of the craft room as well, and donated an entire van load of crafty goodness. 
Now that the clutter is gone, everything has a place, and there's some room to grow.
I needed an "idea board", and loved the look of a crib spring. It's been all over Pinterest, and I had one. Trendy and free...can't beat that!
  My main storage piece has to be my most favorite thing in the room. I had these cube shelving units, but they always ended up looking messy and disorganized. I looked online for storage bins, but they ranged from $6-$12. I needed 18 storage bins...that's a lot of money! So, I went to Target, and low and behold in the dollar section they had storage bins($3 each). I wanted all the same color, but when you're rummaging through the dollar section, one cannot be overly picky.
I found inspiration from the Land of Nod
With 2" wide painter's tape, number stencils, and some white fabric paint, I was able to get a similar look.
All of this for less than $60 versus $108-$216 before taxes and shipping. Not too shabby, eh?
 Another favorite in the room is the diy chalkboard. 
It is an access point into the attic, but with a little chalkboard paint, now it's actually a useful piece...I mean it was useful before..if you needed to get to the backside of the attic..but it's even more useful now, since we'll probably NEVER bust through it to get to that part of the attic:o)
I'm totally digging this new space, and it's so much easier to create in an organized environment...well it will be once I have a few minutes to myself;o)
 What are some ways that you have organized your craft space? I would love to hear!!


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