
Showing posts from February, 2013

5 Year Old Birthday Outfit

My sweet S.R. is turning 5 in just a few days. She asked for a special dress for her fairy tea party (a Queen Clarion dress to be exact). The dress has been made, and she squealed when she saw it...the reaction every mother wants when she's worked so hard to make her little girl happy:o) When I was searching for the fabric for the fairy dress, I came across some fairy knit fabric in purples and pinks. S.R.'s two favorite colors. I was slightly hesitant about purchasing it because my last experience with knits was quite disastrous.   I will have to say, this little skirt was much easier than I expected:o) The hopscotch skirt is now my new favorite skirt to make...I think I'll be making one for myself now:o) I followed a super easy tutorial, and you can find it over at  iCandy handmade . I can't wait for the celebration:o) It's going to be so much fun!! I just hope that the snow they are calling for will hold off until after our guests return home safely:o)  ...

Not so Yummy

Kentucky Fried Chicken is owned, by a company with a distinctively “uncorporate” name – Yum! Brands, complete with the exclamation mark.   This blogger is a vegetarian and therefore has not really sampled its wares. But I am reliably told that its fried chicken, is fairly delicious.   But these days, alas, KFC is not sounding very yummy. The problem is in China. KFC is everywhere in China. I mean everywhere. Sometimes I wonder if the icon of Americanism in China is not McDonald’s or Coca Cola, but KFC. Every street corner seems to have one.   The Chinese were happily munching or chewing or licking, or whatever you do with fried chicken. All that changed in December of last year. CCTV, that great bastion of broadcasting   and China’s answer to Doordarshan,   aired a program that claimed that local suppliers to KFC had given its chicken excessive amounts of antibiotics.   CCTV is more renowned for informing the world that Xi Jinping had a good nig...

Papa, pray for us

Joseph Ratzinger has resigned. Joseph who ? you may ask. And what's in a resignation - after all somebody is resigning from something all the time.  Ah well; its not just anybody. It's Pope Benedict who resigned about a week ago. Popes rarely resign - its one of the few "jobs" for life. The last Pope to resign was Pope Gregory in 1415 to end the Western Schism - a complete mess when there were two competing claimants as Pope.   Pope Benedict stated that he was getting on in years (he is 85 after all) and that the leader of a billion catholics around the world needed "strength of body and mind".  While he cited the lack of strength of his body, I dare say his real reason was the strength of the mind.   It has been a period of great tumult for the Catholic Church. It was during his papacy that the child molestation scandals in Europe and America burst into the open. Leaked papers from the Pope's butler showed the Vatican in very poor light - messy politic...

Front Entry Way

We have lived in our house for 3 years now, and this wall has always bothered me. When you enter our house, this is the wall you see. There is a doorway to the right and a column just a few feet to the left. Very un-welcoming.  For the past year I have had a picture of the kids hanging there and that was it.  I wanted a table and a lamp and just stuff to sit there, but there wasn't enough room with the column in the way. After 3 years of brainstorming, I finally came up with a solution. Took me long enough, didn't it? I have some cabinets in the attic that are really narrow. I picked them up at a yard sale for $5. They are real cherry, and beautiful, but absolutely non-functional. I think they were spice cabinets in their former existence?? I took one of the doors and turned it into a wall shelf that resembles a table. The door is super narrow, so it's the perfect depth and adds so much to this space. The legs, hardware and spray paint were purchases from Lowes, and the fra...

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day to you all!  I hope to be back here soon. I've been taking a creative break for a bit. Have you missed me?;o) I hope your day is extra special today! Looking forward to our little family Valentines dinner after basketball practice tonight:o) I'm really excited about digging into this yummy cake...with REAL buttuh cream icing...that's right, I said BUTTUH:o)

What on earth is a KRA ?

I am in trouble because my KRA with CDSL consequent to having submitted some change of KYC, is apparently pending, which I have no recollection of. Therefore I am stuck with my DP who is quoting arcane SEBI rules to make my life miserable.   If you don't understand one word of all this, welcome to the club. I don't understand it either ! And I am supposed to know something of finance !!   This perfectly sums up the status of how consumer unfriendly the financial sector in India has become. Try doing anything - opening a bank account, or buying a mutual fund  or even changing your address. You will tear your hair in frustration. Such is the state of affairs.   This is all because Ramamritham and his political masters have , over the last five years, exclusively been framing rules for catching Kasab.  The starting assumption is that everybody is a Kasab unless they prove otherwise. Rules and procedures have become so complex that an honest simple  m...

Humanising Business Relationships

There is something about the world of business that dehumanises relationships. The other is seen usually as a competitor to be trampled, or a boss to be hated, or a subordinate to be kicked or a peer to be beaten. We often gripe at everybody and anybody around the water cooler/coffee machine/whatever. Office parties are largely gossip sessions where everybody trashes everybody.   I met her not so very long ago. She is a confident, consummate professional, very competent in her job. She is poised, articulate, easy to work with and with a ready smile. So it was easy to picture the typical upwardly mobile, confident business executive and deal with her exactly in that manner.   Quite by accident, I came to know of the tragedies she had been, and is, going  through.  Tragedies you would not wish on your worst enemy. But you could never ever guess from any of the professional interactions. She is, as I said, poised, articulate, easy to work with. But now that I know,...