Baby Burp Cloth and Wash Cloths

My kids ended up with way too many toys for Christmas this year, and we are very thankful to all of those who contributed;o), but one of the cutest things that S.R. got was monogrammed wash cloths from her sweet Aunt A. A girl from church just had a beautiful baby boy, and I was trying to figure out what I could make for her, and I remembered the wash cloths. They were super simple to make and I was able to try out some new appliques on my machine that I hadn't used yet. I made a quick trip to Dollar Tree b/c I figured they would have hand towels and wash cloths. The wash cloths were a little big, so I went for the hand towels and was able to cut them down to get two wash cloths per towel. Since I bought 2 towels, I decided to use the other for a burp cloth. I am so happy with the way things turned out! Can't wait to give them to the new mommy:o)


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