Thanksgiving Center for Wreath

I hope that you all had a wonderful Halloween. We had a blast! The days leading up to that fabulous time were MISERABLE! We all had a nasty stomach bug. I thought I was DYING! Ya know, when you are sick, the house always goes to pieces, especially when mothers are sick. So I have been spending the past few days trying to get the house back in order. In the midst of doing that, I had to get a Thanksgiving center plate in the middle of the wreath. The Halloween one had to go:o)
I got some scrapbook paper that was more "fall-ish" this time. I found the turkey over at The Graphics Fairy. If you haven't been to her need to. It is amazing all the FREE printables she has there. I used some Mod Podge on the feathers and glittered him up.
For the banner, I just used my sticky dots to hold the paper in place and cut the edges to make it look like ribbon. The hubs thought it was cut, but asked, "Who's "Hankfu"? Yeeeeeah....the 'T' and the 'L' kinda got a little squished...but you get the idea;o)
I just want all of you to know that I am really fighting the urge to do some Christmas decorating. I love decorating this time of year. I am really trying to stay focused on Thanksgiving though. 
I have 3 trees and reeeeeeally want one more for the living room. I could use one of the 3 in my living room, but they are the skinny trees and I want one with a little more girth to it:o) So since I am dead set on getting another tree, I will have to adorn it with fabulousness....I can't buy fabulousness(since I have to buy a tree), so I am making fabulousness....well at least I think so:o) I have been spending nap time these past few days making Christmas ornaments. I have been going THRU some hot glue sticks:o) 
I burnt the fool out of my fingers yesterday. Oh it was soo painful. I even got a little blister:o( I'll share the ornaments with you guys very soon. 
I had to do at least one Thanksgiving post though:o)


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