Coffee Table Make Over(Round 2)

I finally finished it! I have been wanting to change this coffee table for a VERY long time! I haven't had it that long, but after I finished it the first time, I realized I didn't love it like I should have. It just seemed like a black hole in my rug. To see the "before the before" go here...Here's the second before:
Just black and boring. The paint was starting to chip off and I am all about some distressed looking furniture, but it just wasn't doing it for me. I bought some sample size paints from Lowes about a month ago, after I found this table over at Miss Mustard Seed. She is simply AMAZING! No other word for it. She can take any junk and turn it into something FAB! I wanna be her when I grow up:o) You should definitely check out her blog and her gallery when you get a chance. She's a STUD when it comes to painting furniture. Anywho, I pulled out the chalk board spray paint that I always have on hand, and sprayed a big square in the middle of the table(using painter's tape as well). After two coats of that, I painted the rest of the table in a very soft gray.
I did attempt to replicate the pattern of Miss Mustard Seed's design because I thought hers was so beautimous.
I actually had a lot of fun with this table, and the kids think it's really cool. Hopefully they will only write on this table instead of ALL OVER THE WALLS...thank you S.R. (heavy sarcasm inserted here). Someday when we get around to painting all these walls, I will show you some of S.R.'s "artwork" that she has "created" for us ALL over the house:o/. 
So here it is again:
I definitely need to change the pillows. They just aren't cutting it either..but that's another project for another day!
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