Giveaway Time-Camera Strap Cover

 **This Giveaway is Closed.**
Whew, I am running slow today. Usually by this time of day, on a Wednesday, I am already on my way to the grocery store, then the gym, then swim lessons, but today I can't get my act together. I am siting here with my p.j.'s on, hair standing on end, and an empty cereal bowl sitting beside me, with no real motivation to get moving. We have been attending a marriage seminar at one of the local churches, and it is PHENOMENAL!! We have really enjoyed it, and they provide childcare...which is AWESOME:o) Anyway, we have been getting home late every night. It's wearing the babies out and us, but worth every minute. The kids are loving it too. So, I have been a little busy here lately and racking my brain, trying to come up with a cool giveaway that you would drool over. As I was perusing my blog list, I came across Tatertots and Jello . Love this blog! You guys definitely need to check it out, and become a follower to show your love. Jen made a camera strap, and she has been dying to have one. Here's a pic:
I have been dying to have one, but have been a tad too lazy to do it. So I thought to myself, why not make this the giveaway, and then I can get motivated to make one for me:o) If you aren't interested in me making you one, you can find a tutorial on Crap I've Made. This is also a FAB blog, and the title cracks me up every time I see it:o) Now I will be making a few "minor" adjustments to the camera strap. The one I will be offering will be a strap cover. The winner will get to pick the fabric they want for the cover. So here's whatcha do:
  • Leave a Comment Here(1st entry)
  • "Like" Fussy Monkey Business on Facebook, and tell me that you did it(2nd Entry) If you already "like" FMB on Facebook, just say so. 
This giveaway will end on Sunday, July 4th, 12 p.m. Be sure to enter!
My living room makeover is almost complete! Can't wait to share it!!!


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