Tuesday Tutorial-Vacation Countdown Calendar

Hello My Peeps!  I hope that you all are having a wondermous day:o) I am utterly exhausted, but completely in love...with my new wall color! I got the paint on the walls yesterday, and I feel comforted by the sweet "Comfort Gray." I can't wait to reveal my "new" living room. Not sure when it will be ready since I am rearranging furniture:o) 
Anyway, today is Tuesday Tutorial Day, and I saw this tute on another blog called U Create. Kari is featuring Stephanie Lynn from Under the Table Dreaming who shows us how to make a  Vacation Countdown Calendar.
(sorry there isn't a picture)
Definitely check it out! It's super cute! 
Tomorrow I will be announcing what the giveaway will be, so stay tuned!!! 


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