A Winner and An Outfit

We have a winner! The camera strap cover goes to Jana! I'll be in touch with you soon to hash out the details! Congratulations!!!
I hope that you all had a wonderful Independence Day....ours was "eventful." The babies are sick, so you can imagine how wonderful things are around here right now:o) We did have a moment last night though, that was serene, and almost perfect....back porch, lights were out, citronella candles lit, hubs was playing the guitar, fireworks in the background(so thankful we live out in the country and there isn't a ban on fireworks), and the kids were wrapped up in their blankies(with fevers) each snuggled up in someone's arms. It was perfectly imperfect. I wouldn't have traded it for any other moment. 
I know that I have been sharing a lot of outfits here lately, but usually in the summer time I make a lot of clothing. Summer clothing is much easier to make than winter. Some friends of ours that attend church with my family just had a sweet little one, and I wanted to make something for her. I had this project sitting in my "to-do" basket, originally intending for S.R. to wear it...she obviously got bigger and so there it sat....for over a year. Then baby Cora came along, and I new it had to be for her:o)
I love eyelet. The lace is vintage...something my mother handed down. I can't wait for baby Cora to wear it. Hopefully she will be able to wear it before it turns cold. 
Tomorrow is Tuesday Tutorials. I'll be sharing a lamp revamp. Enjoy your day!

linking up to Just Something I Whipped Up Monday


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