Day 2-Minnie Mouse Skirt & Ears Tutorial

I hope that you all had a great Monday. Yesterday was E's first day of preschool. He did great. I did great until I had to leave him. S.R. and I both cried when we got in the vehicle:( She cried b/c she wanted to stay at "pwe-skoo." I cried for the obvious reasons. He was unsure about being there, but when I came to pick him up he was all smiles.
So anyway, on to day 2 of Disney Week. Today I have the bottom half of a Minnie Mouse outfit. I have a white t-shirt to go with the skirt. I am going to have it monogrammed soon. I am sharing 2 tutorials today. For the skirt and the ears hair bows. The bloomers are a pair of shorts just like the Snow White shorts, but I ran elastic thru the cuffs of the legs and added the eyelet trim. L-O-V-E It!

Here's what you need:

-2 Coordinating Fabrics

Hair Bows:

-Black Felt
-1" Grosgrain Ribbon
-Extra Thin Ribbon(not sure the measurements on the small ribbon)
-Thread and Needle
-Stick Pin
-Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
-Alligator Clips

Directions on the Skirt:

This skirt measures for a size 3T. Make your adjustments accordingly. Cut 8 4"x11" strips from the red and 8 6"x11" strips from the black.
Next, you just start sewing the long sides together, alternating colors. If you have a serger, that's great. If not, make sure to zig zag the edges to cut down on fraying. I did a straight seam first, and then a zig zag stitch.
Once you have sewn all of the pieces together, connect into a complete circle. 

Press. Try to get all the seams pressed down in the same direction. This will help you later when running the elastic thru the casing. For the hem you will need to press 3/4" down and fold it under again and press to hide all raw edges. You will want to do the same for the waist, except fold down  1", and turn under, hiding all raw edges.
Stitch a seam all the way across the hem as close to the edge as possible. On the waist, you will want to leave an opening to run your elastic thru. Cut the elastic to the desired length. Put a safety pin on each end, and run it thru the casing.

Sew the ends together, making sure that the elastic hasn't turned, and stitch up your hole.
For the tulle skirt underneath, I just folded over the fabric ran a running stitch all the way down 1" from the fold. 
 Run the elastic thru and then sew up the seam. There was some excess, so I just trimmed the bottom when I was finished. Tulle doesn't fray, so no hemming:o)
Now for the ears:
Here is a pic of the supplies:

Make yourself a circle pattern. I used a circle cutter and it is 2 1/2" in diameter. Pin to felt, and cut 2.
Now here comes the tricky part. I will do my best to explain how to make the hair bows, but you may be better off searching online for some tips:o)
I made a 2" hair bow, so fold the ribbon over itself until you have this:
Can you see that there is 2 loops on each side? Now flare those pieces out...
Take your needle and thread and stitch that into place. Tie it off. Then wrap the thread tightly around the ribbon to make it look like this:
Make sure to tie that off as well. Now comes the fun glue...get ready to get singed;o)
Take the thin ribbon and place it in the center. 
Place a small dot of glue on the back and wrap the ribbon around the thread. I know the picture looks like the ribbon is already wrapped around, but it isn't:o) I wound the thread around several times, and the flash bounced off of the thread.
Glue the bow to the circles, and then glue the circles to the alligator clips, making sure to have the clips facing opposite directions. 
And that's it:o)
And because I love you all so very much....I am giving a pair of ears away to one lucky reader:o)
Just leave a comment on this post, and I will announce the winner on Friday! Have a great day my lovelies!!
Giveaway is Closed.


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