Day 3- Princess Shirt and Capris

I have seen a lot of these sweet little outfits all over the place. 

You know, the shirts that have the knots thru the button holes. The boutique shops are packed with them. While in Walmart getting all of my fabric cut by a sweet little old lady, I was racking my brain trying to figure out what I was going to do with this really pretty princess fabric. Then I remembered all of these outfits I had been seeing. Now most of these outfits come with the enormous pants with ruffles. I think they are absolutely adorable, but I'm not sure how S.R., who is 2, would handle those type of pants in the Orlando heat, so I stuck with capris. This is a very simple outfit, and it took no time at all to sew it. 

It cost around $8 to make the entire outfit. This was the most expensive to make thus far. The Princess fabric cost $4.94 a yd. at Walmart. S.R. was very excited to try it on the other night. I plan on having the phrase "Princess In Training" monogrammed across the chest:o)

Tomorrow I will be posting a boy's outfit...I'm not going to leave Little Man out:o) And on Friday I will have a Cinderella shirt to share with you all.

Remember to leave a comment at the end of the Minnie Mouse Skirt Tutorial for your chance to win a pair of Minnie Mouse Ears Hair Bows. The Giveaway winner will be announced Friday morning. Enter as many times as you please:o)
Have a great Wed.!!


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