Day 5- A Winner And Patience

Thank you to all of you who took the time to leave a comment on the Minnie Mouse post. All of your comments were so sweet and I really appreciate them. So, our winner is....
#11- Cassandra!
Her comment was:
I just saw your blog via one pretty thing. I love the outfit! We're taking my daughter to disneyland for her first bday next week. She already has a minnie outfit but definitly needs the clippies. Thanks for the tutorial!

Cassandra, shoot me an email so I can get you your mouse ears a.s.a.p.:o)

I know I said that I would have E's Mickey shorts ready for this morning, but a fall wreath got in the way(more on that next week), and traffic school(don't ask).
I am in a rush this morning trying to get out the door, so I hope to have the shorts completed by the end of naptime today, and I will post them later this afternoon.
Have a great Friday!!!!


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