Snow White Outfit

We are going to Disney World soon, and I can't wait!!!  We took the kids last year on sort of a whim, and I was not prepared for what was about to take place(I had never been before). It was MAGIC. The absolute best vacation as a family....EVER! We decided that we wanted to relive the experience. 
We have actually been planning this years trip to Disney, and I started to see all the cute little outfits people are dressing their sweet ones in to visit this special place. I have been checking out Etsy, and there are a lot of great things on there. It's almost overwhelming because there is so much stuff.
So I wanted to spend this week showing you some of the outfits that my children will be sporting while we are vacationing....maybe give you a few ideas on what to dress your little ones in next time you are at Disney;o)
Being the thrifty one, I decided that I would make ALL of S.R.'s outfits.  This Snow White outfit cost me 75 cents...only because I ran out of red fabric, and had to make a run to Walmart.
Don't mind the arm:o) I was in a hurry before church and was running out of day light:o)

Now I can't take full credit for this idea. The kids were in a summer music class and one of the little girls in the class had a shirt on similar to this one. Her mother makes them and sells them on Etsy. At first when I saw how much she was charging for them, I almost flipped. But after making the shirt I now understand....the sleeves.
These puppies take FO-EV-UH. Cutting the strips(I tore mine....did you know that you can tear fabric in a straight line...saves so much time) Sewing them together, and then cutting them into sleeves. I used a pattern on hand, and the fabric was scraps left over from previous projects. I had to do some fanagaling to have enough for the shirt. But I made it work. 
S.R. loves her new Snow White outfit. She squeals every time she sees it:o) Makes me happy:o)
Here's the whole outfit again...

I did purchase some hair bows on Etsy...the kind that are shaped like the Princesses. Hoping to receive those in the mail this week. S.R. will flip when she sees them:o) May hold off on showing her them until time for the trip;o) 
On Tuesday I will have a tutorial on how to make Minnie Mouse Ears Hair bows, along with the matching skirt. 


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