What Would Jesus Do?

I found this book at a thrift store when E. was a baby, and knew that someday I would read it to him(& S.R.:o)
(found at Amazon.com HERE)
We started reading it this morning at breakfast, and my kids are hooked. We have made it to Chapter 6 so far. In Chapter 2, some of the children in the story are singing "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus." While I was reading the story, I sang this part.
So far, the story is emphasizing the importance of helping those in need.
Well mommy was in need this afternoon:o) 
Yesterday, E & S.R. thought it was a great idea to take all of the games out of the cabinet and "explore" them. Not a single piece was left in it's original box.
After lunch today, it was their responsibility to pick up all of the pieces.
I left them to do their work, and I heard E. start singing the song...and then S.R. chimed in. It was music to my ears. Just another reminder of why God should be and is the focus of our home.
My two little angels singing about their Jesus....can it get any better than this?:o)
 I guess board game pieces strewn everywhere doesn't really matter that much does it?
I didn't get a chance to record them, but here is a beautiful version that I found on You Tube.
I hope you enjoy it!


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