Laundry Room-Part 1

I guess you noticed that last week was sort of hit or miss around here. Hubs stayed home last week....worked a little, and helped me a little. I decided on a whim that the laundry room needed a face lift....well we are still in recovery...WOW! 
We spent more time on that one small space than we usually do on a full size bedroom.
We are still putting the finishing touches on it, but I wanted to give a sneak peak:o)
The hubs built this riser for the washer and dryer....He's DA BOMB:o)
For the plans, go HERE.
baskets from Pier 1
Little decor action here. I'll share what these little guys are perched on in Part 2.
I will share with you a completed project.
This cabinet was purchased from a garage sale for $1. It's one of those cabinets that goes over the sink in your kitchen. I didn't know what I would do with it, but it was solid cherry, and a buck. I couldn't pass it up:o)
After much contemplation, I decided that this cabinet would make a perfect bench.
 I removed the doors and knocked out 2 of the dividers. I had the hubs add some rope wood trim around the perimeter of the opening, and add legs to the base.
This is one of the pieces I used the chalk paint on. I'll give my thoughts on chalk paint in Part 2.
 The cushion came from Target and is 30% off right now(score).  I'm so glad that I didn't have to make a cushion! I got lucky with the almost fits the bench perfectly...and it matches the rug!
Be sure to stay tuned for Part 2 of the laundry room. We have just a few more added touches & the room will be complete!

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