Milk Can Table

Last weekend I got a wild hair and decided to tackle a ton of projects that have been sitting in our garage for MONTHS. The hubs was getting a little flustered with all of the junk stacked up in there, so I finally bit the bullet and got down to business.
My mother gave me this milk can who knows how long ago;o). It belonged to one of her friends, and had been painted a taupe color. For the longest time I didn't know what I wanted to do with it, but after wandering thru Lowes the other day, I knew it had to be a table:o)
The table top was around $17...a little more than I would normally pay for something, but I needed the 24" round top so it would look proportional. I used one coat of primer and 2 coats of Cherry Red by Krylon for the paint. Because the top of the milk can was such an odd shape with concave and convex curves, nailing or screwing the table top down wasn't an option. So I decided that liquid nails was the way to go.
Here it is nested between our two chairs:o)
Isn't it so sweet?:o)
Here is the other side of the seating area.
The seat cushions came from Old Time Pottery. The swing was shorter than the cushion, so I wacked the ends off and stitched it back up

Other Projects we have going on around here: 
Here is our BIG work in progress...the hubs has been busy working to create privacy off the back patio. This is Stage 1. 
He has done a FANTASTIC job!
 The side of the house

My container garden:o)
can't wait to "harvest" these veggies!!
I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!

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