Quick Baby DIY Tip

Here is a quick tip for all of you mommies out there with youngin's....I mean really young;o)
Most people have those little tubs for their babies or a bath chair hammock. If you are in a pinch or out traveling and can't take it with you, here is a quick solution.
Use a giant sponge as your go-to.
Here are the step-by-step pictures in how to create a head rest for your baby's noggin.

Easy peasy, right?
Is that not one of the sweetest faces you have ever seen? I'm thinking model material!;o)
I want to thank my Best Bud for sending me this quick tute. She's quite crafty, you know:o)
I spent most of yesterday working on some furniture(using my chalk paint...details to follow). Today I'll be painting walls, and in between coats, hitting the pool. Can't wait to share what we have been working on!!
Have a great day!


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