Super Hero Birthday Party Inspiration

As you all may have noticed, I have been M.I.A. here lately. This summer has been jam packed full of things. Playgroups, swim lessons, family gatherings, and cutting hair have been filling my days. The laundry room still isn't complete. I haven't had time to finish it. Next week should be a little slower, so maybe I will get around to it then:o)
I thought I would share with you all some Super Hero Party inspiration that I have come across here recently. E has begged for a Spiderman/Batman/Superman birthday party....a.k.a. Super Hero Party.
I have been scouring blogland for inspiration, and here are some of my faves.
For those of you who are new to this blog, I always start planning the kids' parties 3 months in advance....I LOVE PARTIES!!

Aren't these some great ideas? To check out more from these fabulous parties, click on the links below:


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