First Item for Craft Fair Completed

These pictures are terrible..I should have taken them while the sun was still on this side of the house, but I am too excited about finally completing an item for the craft fair....that's in TWO WEEKS! 
 The rocking chair was given to me by some dear friends. It was a cherry color before I had my way with it.. The seat cushion is covered in an antique grain sack, and the skirt is a ruffled painter's drop cloth.
 This is when I should have taken the pictures...if only the rocking chair had been done then:o)
Isn't this aster bush amazing?
This bush is unbelievable. When I planted this last year, it looked like a dying twig...
see picture below.
Can you believe that is the same plant?!?
We have lovingly named it the "Mozzie" Bush. Mozzie was my great grandmother, and one of the sweetest women that graced the earth. This plant started in her garden, and has been passed along to several family members and friends...what a way to remember such a beautiful person! 


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