Day trader warning
USD does not suddenly become more valueable than EUR only because the European Central Bank lowered interest rates 100 bps, as well as published in the November NFP numbers were pretty staggering -533.000 tokh, the American people still think stocks are too cheap and still want to sell and buy SHARES with their dollar inthe financial sector.
Again, this is a matter of value and whether we are able to read the values. In the era 1995 - 2000 USD is stronger than USD, and there was a very unexpected event, 9 / 11 attack, that's the turning point of the EUR / USD, since that date until this moment stronger than EUR into USD.
Let's see chart EUR / USD, we can prove that reversalnya does not happen immediately, it took almost two years for people (professional traders realize ahead) began to understand that the EUR will be strengthened and the USD will weaken.
In fact, changes in value / value can not happen quickly
For example of herbal medicine alone, although the company has done a massive campaign and produce a bitter herb that is not nearly for 10 years but people still think that it is bitter herbs. Therefore, for those who trade in intraday (using TF M1, M5, M15, H1) is better thought out plan or trading plannya again.
For example of herbal medicine alone, although the company has done a massive campaign and produce a bitter herb that is not nearly for 10 years but people still think that it is bitter herbs. Therefore, for those who trade in intraday (using TF M1, M5, M15, H1) is better thought out plan or trading plannya again.
Is the value USD can be immediately turned against the USD and vice versa in a matter of hours or even worse, a matter of minutes?
Are we really doing? Trader or gambler?
9 / 11 is one proof that BIG BOYS uses NEWS to influence the market.
They know very well that in order to manipulate the market they have to use a tool that is read and understood by all people, both professional traders and private traders or traders who are not even (businessman and politician).
They can not use a newsletter or mailing list that is read only by the collection of a particular person or use a free forum like gan to influence the mass market. That's why I call it public relations business, because the really big boys NEWS beckoned to those who understand to jointly invest with them.
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