Trading with fundamental analysis
Usually when a new person's first foray into the world of trading, he will choose the trading strategy used by other people that we can find for free on the internet, or learn from friends who've run it. Some problems will soon arise if we start trading as a career with this way because:
- The confidence can never be transferred. So that when we adopt a system, confidence from the inventor of this system does not come transferee. The lack of confidence is the greatest torment as a trader.
- Almost all of the system only provides a technical analysis without fundamental basics. So ussualy there will be a problem when the system that he use meet a deadlocked the newbie traders will be confused and disoriented.
There are 3 methods of trading that we must mastering to become a succes trader:
- Technical analysis consist of :indicators, support resistance, fibonacci and trendline.
- Fundamental analysis inlcuding economic news, statistics, company earnings reports for stocks, the fed's report etc
- Core of trading for example intermarket relations, bull trap, bear trap, technical fundamentals buy, sell technical fundamentals sell, money cycle etc.
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