Drive-In Movie Night
Last night for Valentines Day, we celebrated at home with a Drive-In movie night. I made these Cars for the kids to sit in using some cardboard boxes, acrylic paint and foam sheets.
The kids LOVED them, and the hubs called me the best mom ever;o)
They were geared up and ready to go with their bean bags and travel pillows tucked inside for comfort.
I attached little storage bins to the sides with clips to hold their food and drinks.
Can you tell that S.R. wants to show off her Valentine card from her brother...when she opened it, she squealed and jumped up and down...unicorns are her favorite right now:o)
...and purple:o) Can you tell what the licence plate is supposed to say?
E called his a hot wheels car:o)
And this was the concession area:o) These were some leftovers from E's 3rd birthday party...the decorations that is:o)
Our spread...
This is what was hanging under the refreshments sign. I just used publisher and one of the templates.
And I had this hanging on the front door so that the hubs would know where to go when he arrived home...I found it online somewhere, copied and pasted in Publisher and added what I needed.
We had a fantastic evening, and the movie was really funny. I'd say that this was a great way to spend Valentines!! I hope our was as great as ours:o)
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