Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

"Complete review about basic principles of value investing to gain success and popularity from your investment business."
-Money magazine

"The best book of value investing ever written and incomparable"
-Warren E. Buffet

As an investment apprentice I study plenty of investment ebook and now i just make an study about value investing philosophy. I just finished studying the The Intelligent Investor ebook that written  by Benjamin Graham, pioneer of value investing philosophy
and the menthor of Warren Buffet. This is one of the best investment ebook and a lot of people says that this book are like holy bible for some one who want to make an investment use value investing philosophy. The writer has a excellent writing skill and is able to deliver very complex investment strategy into a approach that even the most newbie investor can understand the essent of value investing.

Benjamin Graham invented and published philosophy of value investing, which exploit the difference between stock prices and the business value behind it. This strategy obviously describes what it is the differences between investment and speculation, as well as how to develop long term strategies and avoid a fatal loss. Invest through stocks, bonds, or mutual fund? How best to regulate the composition of your portfolio? Is your personality and temperament investor requires you to be aggressive, or defensive? You can answer all these questions by listening to sage advice, analytical guides, and stories of Benjamin Graham.

The first section of this ebook contains off on the fundamental theory of value investing philosphy. I will say that this guidance about value investing  provided by this ebook is about value investing is different from any other investment ebooks. The writer goes against the grain and actually takes on Wall Street traditional perception and gives an amazing deal of proof to  validate his statement about the power of value investing philosophy.

I really like how the writer concentrates on value investing strategy that are targeted towards long term investments with a concentrate on minimilization of lost as compared to fast profit  gain (the key of value investing). I have study a lot of investment books recently that are just focused on the strategy to get quick gain and easy way to become rich through investment business. Thats very contrast with value investing philosophy.

This ebook also uncovers a bunch of data and facts in the world investment / finance since the beginning of history of the stock market until now. From that data we can prove that value investing still relevant today.Whoever you are-investor, speculator, securities analysts, financial advisors, CEOs, managers, employees, bankers, accountants, teachers, or students-very a pity if you does not studying value investing philosophy by Benjamin Graham.

Another thing that I like about this book is that the writer perform as a menthor and really offers the system that is needed to be able to make good stock picking strategy bonds and stocks based on Benjamin Graham value investing philosophy. He is quick to point out that investments should be made on the basis of analytics and not emotion.

In quite-short, this ebook will guide you the basics you need to learn how to picking stock using Benjamin Graham value investing philosophy. It is easy to figure out and will also encourage you to get started. It is no wonder that over one million copies of this book have been sold already.


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