Makeover House Reveal-The Office

Can you stand all of this revealing? Are you over it yet?:o) Well you've got one more post to suffer through after this one;o)
Today I am revealing the office.
The homeowner is a business owner, and does work from home. So she needed a space that was practical. She also wanted her office to be a place for crafting as well. 
 It wasn't really a space for crafting and was kind of cramped from all of the work stuff. 
 So here is how we made the space work better for both areas.
 We bought shelving from Lowes and hung it on the long wall of the office. They are 6 feet in length. I found some really nice matching boxes at T.J. Maxx. I bought ALL of them:o) I wanted her to be able to have plenty of storage for her scrap booking materials as well as anything else that needed organizing. 
 She had this chair and ottoman in a guest room. The colors were very similar to what she already had in the office, so it was a perfect fit. On the wall behind the chair is a thimble collection that belonged the her mother. A VERY special piece:o)
 The armoire will eventually become a sewing cabinet. 
 The ladder bookcase was a purchase from a yard sale site on Facebook. That was a last minute find, and I am so glad that the sale went though. The color matched perfectly with the room.
 The hubs made this table. Didn't he do a fantastic job? He made this table in just a few short hours..when he finished, I told him I wanted one:o) 
My philosophy in decorating is that everyone should have at least one piece of furniture painted in Krylon Cherry Red:o)
This table is 6 foot in length. On one end, she can do her work and check email and on the other end, she has space to scrapbook.
Sorry for the glowing lamp. I told you a few posts back that the lighting was terrible due to lack of sunlight.
 Anyway, I am super thrilled with the end result of the office. It looks so much bigger now that it has been de-cluttered, and it's a great space to create in now:o)
So, once again, the before...
 and the after....
You've held on for this long...can you wait one more day for the final reveal?? The master bedroom will be revealed tomorrow.
See you then!


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