Owl Themed Baby Shower

Hey there! Long time no see:o) You would not believe how busy I have been these past few weeks. Ever since school let out, we have literally had almost every day filled with something to do or somewhere to go. I am exhausted just thinking about it:o) That has left little to no time to do any crafting...I have been so busy that I haven't even desired to do anything crafty...crazy, right?
So anyway, some of you know that I am in the local homemakers club, and we had our monthly meeting at our house last night. One of our members is expecting a baby in August, so we also had a baby shower..you know me..I jumped at the chance to have a special party:o)
The mommy-to-be is decorating her nursery in owls, and as we all know, owls are VERY popular right now, so there were a slew of ideas online to choose from.
Below is a picture of our food table.
The grandmother-to-be made this whimsical center piece...I LOVE hydrangeas:o)
 She also made this cute little fruit baby buggy..she said she found it on Pinterest.
I had some large old blue mason jars, and I filled them as full as I could with flowers. 
 This was one of my favorites of the shower...owl cupcakes:o) They were super easy to make, and would be great for any time of year. I used chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing. The eyes are made from 2 Oreo cookies & Reese's pieces for the pupils and beak. The platters are just slices of a walnut tree trunk that I borrowed from a good friend.
 The gift table
 My first attempt at a diaper cake...not too shabby..;o)
When the ladies left, they got to take home one of these goody bags filled with chocolate and mints.

We had a wonderful time and the mommy-to-be left with tons of great gifts:o)

Where I found my goodies:
Large White paper lanterns: Oriental Trading Company
Flowers: Costco
Owl on Diaper Cake: Hobby Lobby
How to make a Diaper Cake: Instruction Video on YouTube
Owl Images: Prettiful Designs
White Favor boxes: Dollar Tree in wedding section


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