Chore Charts

Usually on Friday's you can expect to hear about the previous evening's family night. Well, every once in a while, we have what is referred to as a "family date night." That usually includes dinner and a movie...last night was just dinner at Red Robin. We had a delicious but very expensive dinner, and then the hubs picked up some ice cream. We also got to go on an evening bike ride, or as S.R. likes to call it, a "bike walk."

So instead of giving you ideas about how you can spend time together as a family today, I wanted to share with you our latest endeavor...chores:o)
The kids are very good at helping out around the house, and we thought now would be a good time to introduce an allowance.
So, me being me, I needed to make something cute and crafty to help them keep up with all of the chores that need to be completed through out the day. 
I looked online for various ideas of chore charts, and decided to make my own. 
This one is E.'s
 And this one is S.R.'s
 I found the backgrounds at a neat blog named Sprik Space. I downloaded them and used publisher to add the grid and the fonts. 
Super easy:o) 
I also used my favorite self laminating sheets made by Scotch, to make them re-usable.
I found clipboards at Walmart, and used Command wall hooks to attach them to their bedroom doors.
They are at the right level for the kids to mark off their list. 
They think that they are so big, and they are really going to think they are big once they start getting paid.
I have been working on money holders for them, and I will share them on Monday. I like how they are turning out, and I can't wait for you all to see them.
Have a great weekend! We'll be soaking in every minute, since school starts back for us on Monday.


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