First Day of Pre-K

Today S.R. started preschool. She was so excited, and I was happy that she wanted to go. She was lost yesterday without her big brother to play with. I expected there to be an adjustment period....
 This little thing is a ball of fire, and sweet as sugar.
 I had so much fun taking her pictures. She already has a dramatic flare, and this type of thing was right up her stage, with all eyes on her.

 This is a rare shot of her being doesn't happen often;o)
 I am so glad that she lets me play with her that it is FINALLY growing out.
Just like with E, I let her take some goofy shots. I caught her here when she didn't know I was snapping pictures.

 Attitude in it's purest form...:o)

 This has to be my favorite though...daddy's little girl. 
This child has been a light in our lives. She always has a smile on her face, and can light up any room that she walks into. God knew what He was doing when He sent us S.R. She is independent, but still wants to curl up in your arms and snuggle, and I LOVE that.
 She is considerate of her brother and her friends, and is almost always willing to help out.
Speaking of her brother, her demeanor completely changes when he gets home from school now. It's like she hasn't seen him in ages:o) They play together so well.
We are so blessed!!
Hopefully tomorrow I will get around to sharing the kids money holders...:o)


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