Star Wars Party Details

 I was given a strict budget for this party, and I actually stuck to it:o)
That NEVER happens, but the hubs cracked down on me, and I had to follow instructions...there's a first time for everything, right?;o)
So here is a break down of some of my purchases for the party.
Let's start with the party favors, since that was the first thing that I purchased.
I bought these Star Wars trick or treat buckets off of our local Facebook yard sale page. I paid $2 for the lot...super score:o)
 I bought the blue crinkle filler at the Dollar Tree. It took the entire bag for one bucket. I purchased the note pads and pencils from Target. They were in the party supplies section. I found the Star Wars playing cards in the toy section and they were clearanced at 88 cents each. I also found some Star Wars fruit roll ups. 
 Each of the kids got to take home a pool noodle light saber as well. Pool noodles were purchased at the Dollar Tree. (I'll share a tutorial on how to make those in my next post.)

I made these chocolate Millennium Falcons for the parents. You can find the molds at Amazon.
 For the girls, I found these little baskets in the dollar section at Target. They also got the note pads, pencils, and fruit roll ups. Their fun little party favor was Princess Leia headbands.
 I found a tutorial to make these at Disney Family. I made 2 changes. I wrapped the yarn around the headband, and cut extra circles to cover the backs of the buns, to give it a neater finish.
I had the headbands and felt on hand. I only had to buy the yarn, which was purchased at Walmart.
 I made two table runners. One for the food table and one for the dining table. The fabric was purchased at Hobby Lobby. I bought two yards total, and used a 40% off coupon. By cutting the fabric in half lengthwise and then folding it in half again and stitching it together, I was able to get 2 runners at 6 feet long each.
 The Star Wars poster was free. I had purchased the project board from the Dollar Tree a few years back. I spray painted it with silver spray paint and used a Star Wars font for the lettering. You can find the fonts HERE. I played around with the fonts in Publisher and blew them up to 300. I cut each letter out, and used double sided tape to attach them to the board.
 The cupcakes were one of my favorites. The cupcake liners were purchased at Party City. They were $1.99 for 50. S.R. and my mother made the cupcakes. I made the icing using a recipe from I added a drop of black food coloring to turn the icing grey. I also had unopened fondant leftover from previous parties, so I was able to use that to make the little cut-out faces.
 The cookie cutouts were found HERE.
The table decor was a mix and match of things bought and borrowed. The large Star Wars toys were borrowed. The shelf on the table was a yard sale purchase that I spray painted, and is now hanging in the kids bathroom:o) 
The table cloth is just gray velvet fabric that was given to me. 
The garland on the front of the table was created by using my 2" circle punch, and then stitching the circles together on my sewing machine. 
It was "sew" easy....pun intended;o)
Everything else, was recycled from previous parties.
  My absolute favorite purchase for the party was these two adorable Star Wars shirts. I had Kera from Sisterbug Monograms hunt down these appliques and she did great! I am so thankful to have her as a friend and as my monogramming gal:o) Definitely check her site out. She also did the Little Red Riding Hood Applique
So that's basically a break down of what I did for the party. 
I kept the menu simple with just cupcakes, ice cream, veggies (to counteract all of the unhealthy stuff), chips, dip, and punch.
Everyone enjoyed themselves, and this was the least stressed I have EVER been when doing one of my kids parties...crazy! 
If you have any questions, feel free to email me, or ask away on Facebook.


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