Fall Art-Finger Paint Tutorial

A few days ago, I helped out in E's kindergarten class. Once a month they have "Funtastic Friday." It's hands on learning, and it is lots of fun.
I helped them make really adorable shirts that they will wear on the field trip to the pumpkin farm at the end of the month. 
I loved the shirt so much, I decided that I wanted the kids to do it on canvas and use it as part of my Fall decor.
These little paintings were easy to make, and the kids loved getting their hands dirty.
 Here's your supply list:
Paints- Brown, Green, Orange, Red and Yellow
2 Sponge Brushes
Paper Towels or baby wipes
Paper plates to squirt paints in
Willing participants;o)
 Just a dab of each of the paints will do...this was actually too much paint for the both of them.
 You'll first want to paint the entire hand, and just below the wrist with brown paint. The kids get a kick out of this because they say it tickles:o)
 Once all of the hand has been painted, flip it over with fingers spread apart and press firmly on the canvas.
 You can see how much of her hand I painted in this picture.
 Next, let them dip their little finger tips into the paint, and start making leaves..(here's my little photographer..didn't he take great action shots?:o)) 
 The red dots are supposed to be apples...When they get all of their leaves painted, then it's time for the pumpkins at the bottom of the canvas.
 You will use your second sponge brush and paint this part of their fists orange.
 Make sure they keep their little thumbs out of the way
 Turn the canvas upside down and press their fist firmly against the canvas, just to one side of the tree trunk. Repeat on the other side. 
This is what they should look like when you're done.
I then added the finishing touches. I outlined the pumpkins with brown, gave them green curly-q's, and added stems to the pumpkins and the apples. 

Easy and fun Fall art for everyone to enjoy.


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