Getting Crafty-A Fall Party

Fall is here, and I love it! Whenever there is a new season, I feel the need to have a party. 
I invited a few of my girlfriends over, and we had a fall crafting party. Since it was in the afternoon, I kept the menu simple, and just made desserts.
We had S'more CupsPumpkin Maple TrifleCaramel Corn, and strawberries. I also made some delicious apple cider that made my house smell wonderful.

 For our craft, we made owls. I found the inspiration at The Diary of Daves Wife
I got all of my supplies from Hobby Lobby.
 Here is a candid shot of the girls hard at work...punching, mod podging, and painting away.
 And another shot of them hot-gluing the ribbon on the backs of the owls.
 Their owls turned out really cute, and they were all proud of what they came up with. I love it when they leave with smiles on their faces;o)
Here is a shot of mine.
 They were so easy to make, and it was so fun to sit and gab while crafting the afternoon away.
When everyone left, they got to take home a jar of homemade apple butter.
I can't wait to have another crafting party. It's good for the crafting soul;o)
I'll be sharing some more sewing projects throughout the week. I can't seem to stay away from my sewing machine for very long...I'm lovin' it!!


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