Flower Girl Dress

Brrr! It's cold today! I can't believe how easily the cold wind can cut through you. I'm so very thankful for a warm home to shelter me from this frigid weather!
Speaking of being thankful, I have some wonderful news that my family and I are very thankful for. My uncle is getting married! He is engaged to a fabulous woman, who is absolutely perfect for him. We are all overjoyed for the both of them. They are getting married on Thanksgiving Day, and my little ones are part of the wedding party. 
If you are a follower of my Facebook page, you saw the inspiration dress I shared yesterday.
This is my version.
 For seven straight hours, I sewed away. 
Drowning in ruffles, constantly back and forth from my machine to the ironing board.
Blood, sweat, but thankfully no tears:o) (Stinkin' stick pins!)
I accidentally figured out how to make the ruffles quicker by loosening the thread tension...it could have been longer than 7 hours if I hadn't stumbled upon that!
 The neckline was a bear, but I finally got it to work. I pulled the stitches out three different times. 
My favorite is the back. This happened by accident as well. I ran out of the blue fabric, and had to use the mustard colored fabric for extra ruffles. A very happy accident indeed:o)
The petticoat is slightly underwhelming...I meant for the dress to be much "poofier." I think I'll hit Dillard's tomorrow and see if I can't find one to put under this one to give it just a bit more oomf:o)
So did I hit the nail on the head, or did I miss the mark completely?
I love it, and so does S.R....and hopefully the bride will too;o)

Now I must get to work on E's vest and bow tie...something that he is very excited about as well:o)

Updated Photo from Wedding:


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