My Home for the Holidays-Part 1

I am finally sharing my Christmas decor with you all...about time, isn't it?
Today you get to see my living room.
There are 6 other rooms to see, so I decided to spread them out in different posts. 
Things are much the same as last year, but for those of you who are new here, it will be your first time to see it.
 We have 9 foot ceilings, so I get to have a gi-normous tree:o) Our tree was a craigslist purchase about 2 years ago, and I am so glad that I found it. 
Filling it up has been a task, but thankfully, my mother purchased most of the ornaments:o) She bought them for herself, but they didn't work with her decor, so I gladly took them off of her hands!!
The wreaths on the tree were made from the hubs' grandfather's old they're extra special:o)
 The Hob was out of the ribbon I have on the mantle, so I had to settle for this really cool ribbon. It was in the ribbon section, where as the other was in the floral section. It took two rolls to fill the length of my entertainment center.
 Here are some pillows I made the other day. 
They were place mats in their former existence. I purchased them at Kohl's when they had all of their holiday wares 80% off. I am not usually a big fan of deer decor...tends to put off a tad bit of the red-neck vibe here in the South...nothing against red-necks..I'm just not one:o)
I felt like these were Christmas-y enough, though:o)
 We currently have a new guest in our home. I would like for you all to meet Snarf.
 Yep, that's what the kids named him. It took some convincing, but I think they are both on board....the 4 year old more so than the 6 year old. It's been fun to get them to hunt for Snarf in the mornings. 
S.R. lights up when she sees him every morning. We have the Elf on the Shelf movie coming in the mail, so it'll be fun to see their reaction to that.
We are having TONS of fun with our Christmas crafts this week. I am really excited about showing them off next week during the Dollar Store Christmas Craft Week.
I have lots more trees to share, so stay tuned!


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