D.S.C.C.W.-Angel Tree Topper

I'm so sorry I missed yesterday's post! I was down for the count. I had a pretty nasty 24-hour bug...but I'm doing much better today. I'm not ready to go for a run or anything, but I am alive, and that's saying a lot:o)

So..Angel Tree Toppers are on the agenda for today. These were a little more involved than the Snowman Ornaments. You will have to do a little prep work if you have little munchkins like me.  

The picture below is what I started with...as the process went along, I had to change some of my supplies because a few didn't work out like I thought they would. 
So here's what you need:
DT=Dollar Tree Puchase
-Cemetery Vases..creepy, but it's what you need:o)(DT)
-Styro Foam Balls(DT)
-Coffee Filters(DT)
-Craft Paints(Flesh Color, Pink, Black)
-Paint Brush
Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
Gold Pipe Cleaners(DT)
Yarn for hair
Eyelet lace...I had 3" wide, and 1" wide already on hand
Pinking Shears
Start off by painting the foam ball with the flesh colored paint. It will take a little while to dry.
While the paint was drying, I went ahead and constructed the dress for the angel. I squirted a bit of hot glue on the vase, and started wrapping the lace around the "body"..(make sure the vase is upside down..the spike is where the head will go). Once I got the first layer glued on, I cut the excess with pinking shears. 
 The second layer wraps around the lip at the top.
Next I made the hair. I decided how long I wanted the hair, and then starting making loops. Once it was thick enough, I tied a piece of yarn in the center and snipped the loops.
 The halo was a really easy construction. I used a paint bottle to form a circle. 
 I then slid it off of the paint bottle and twisted the pipe cleaner around itself..then trimmed the ends to make them even. 
 This is what it should look like when you're done.
We tried to get fancy and use fake flower petals for the wings, but they wouldn't stick, so we went with coffee filters.
 The kids actually getting to participate;o)
I hot glued 4 filters on each angel.
By now, the head was dry, so I attached the hair to the head form, as well as the halo. I forgot to mention that I added the 1" eyelet lace around the neck region to cover up the "spike".  I firmly pressed the ball on the spike...sounds awful doesn't it?
The last part was to paint the faces on.
Here is the boy angel.. 
 And here is the girl angel...
Aren't they sweet?
The kids thought they were really cool, and they were really fun to construct..I love it when a craft comes together:o)


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