S.R. is 5 today

Today is a special sort of day. It's the day we welcomed the sweetest little girl you'll ever meet into our hearts.
Today, she is 5. 
It's hard to believe that 5 years ago she looked like this...and please tell me, how did the time fly by so quickly?
I can't believe how much she has changed in just a few short years. 
Here she is at 1... 
 at 2....
 at 3...
 at 4...
 and now at 5.

This child always has a smile on her face and a song on her heart.
 I love that every where her little feet take her, they're skipping all the way, with that wild mess of curls swishing back and forth. 
She has a wit that takes everyone by surprise, and makes us all laugh.
She lights up a room where ever she goes, and has the kindest, sweetest soul.
But along with that sweetness comes a lot of spunk. I love her just the way she is!

I'm so glad that God chose her to complete our little family.
Happy Birthday my sweet angel!


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