Front Porch Fall Decor

 It's Friday!!! 
Yay for 3-day-weekends, and yay for football season kicking off. 
We have a busy weekend ahead of us with lots of food, friends and football. But before all of my guests arrive, I have a long list of to-do's. 
I can check the front porch off the list though. It's done. For now at least. 
We have a tiny front porch...I'm not even sure you could really call it a front porch. It's more of a pass through. 
It's not big enough to have big beautiful displays like the front porches below:
 source unknown
source unknown

However, it looks barren when nothing is there. 
Everything has to be small in scale when decorating this porch because I want my guests to feel welcome at the front door, not claustrophobic.  
I couldn't really get a good full scale picture of the porch. The brick wall kind of takes up the picture, but in person it's much more inviting...I promise:o)
And, yes, I did just water the plants before taking the shot. It looks like my pumpkins got a little excited;o) Guess this photo won't make it to Pinterest;o)
The mums really make the bench pop, and keep it from blending in with the massive boring brick wall behind it.
To try to keep things symmetrical, I brought a small teak chair from the backyard, and used it as a plant holder. The old granite ware pitcher has holes in the bottom of it, so it makes a perfect planter now.
I will most likely be adding more pumpkins and a possible mini hay bale, but that's where I will have to be patient. The pumpkins aren't quite ready, and we'll have plenty of pumpkin farm field trips to collect those:o)

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