Boy's Beach Themed Room

I know that I have been all about some girly stuff here lately, but I do remember that I have a little boy. For all you mom's who need a little inspiration in all things boy, here ya go...This was my son's room in our last house, Over-The-Top Beach Theme...I haven't started on his room in the new house yet, but the wheels have definitely been turning. As soon as S.R.'s birthday party is over, E. is gonna get some love;o) Here are a few pics of his old room..when his mother actually paid him some mind...
The mural was painted by a lady that attended church with us...isn't she "Tha Bomb"??? My mother actually visited a model home and they had this same mural displayed in one of the children's bedrooms. "Tha Bomb" was able to use the picture that my mother gave me and copy it backwards to make the Woody face the right direction in E's room. I'm tellin' ya, she's awesome!
I painted the wave, and I'm not nearly as talented as my friend who painted the Woody, but it served it's purpose.  The quilt at the end of the bed, I made. It is a knock-off of a PBK quilt. I went to the nearest thrift store and bought a bunch of Hawaiian themed shirts. I cut them all up and pieced them together.
The grass skirt window treatment was actually a bedskirt for a twin bed that I cut up and hot glued to a wooden frame that the hubs constructed. 
The art work on the wall came from the internet. Just printed them off and put them is some frames that we already owned. This room was actually THE selling point for our house. The couple who purchased our home had been married in cool is that:o) I hope that you have found some inspiration!
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