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Ok, I know I said that I was making this baby week, but I had to post this b/c I was so excited about it. Remember the coffee table makeover? The one I got from Goodwill for I think $7.50? Remember the ugly top that used to have glass in it? Well, we FINALLY got it finished and I am so pumped about the results. The Before.....
And the After....

Here's how we got to the after...I have a gallon of black paint that will last me until my children go to college. Used that...2 coats. Went to Lowes and had them cut 4 panes of glass. The openings were 15x15...easy enough. Then over to Hobby Lobby. This was the expensive part. I had them cut out 4 mats with an 8x10 opening. That was $32:o( Wasn't so happy about that one, but I knew that I didn't want to put myself thru the frustration of trying to keep everything even and so I left it to the pros. Taped our sa-weet beach pictures in them...from LAST YEAR!  Next came the glazier points. You should probably put some form of backing between these and the mat board, but there just wasn't enough room, so in they went. Picture hanging wire on the back and there you have it. I love how it turned out. Now to find some cute shelves to go on either side:o)


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