Finds From the Dollar Tree

I was needing a Dollar Tree fix the other day, so I packed up my babies, and off we went. I wanted to see if there was anything for E's birthday party (which is in 3 months). I like to plan ahead, don't hate;o) Anyway, I didn't find much for his party, just 2 horse shoe games, but I found some other great stuff.
This will be one of the party games. I am doing a cowboy theme. I asked E the other day if he wanted a cowboy themed b-day party and he said YEAH! I think we have a winner. It may be that Toy Story 3 is on the brain:o) Speaking of that, they have a really good selection of TS3 stuff. I found some stocking stuffers.
The sticker books in the back were actually advertised during the TS3 previews, and I couldn't pass up the canvas art. It comes with markers. These may be coming from Santa this year;o)
I thought that this oven mitt was really cute, and I have needed one like this for about 3 years now. I have been too cheap to go out and get's not like they are expensive. It was more out of pure laziness. I like it because it has that vinyl-ish stuff on the other side.
Now for my FAVE finds at the $ Tree:
I found these little bins at the $ Tree!!! Are they not the cutest things? And how perfect are they for S.R.'s Dollhouse bookcase? I'm not sure if you are aware of how much I LOVE to organize. I was in organization HEAVEN when I saw these pups.
I couldn't believe it when I saw them, and of course that's when the children were at their worst....but I didn't care, I was going to search thru the stash and find exactly what I needed. I love it! Check out this one:
Perfect for her little dress up shoes with it's cute compartments.
And I also found these:
I really like these. They are wall decals. I know where the "family" one and the "God" one are going already.  Ahhh! Can you stand it? I love $ Tree. 
I hope you all have a great weekend. I am gearing up for a yard sale tomorrow. I am letting go of all the baby stuff....sniff, sniff:( It's gonna be HOTT! 
Just a reminder, we are 3 followers away from the next give away!


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