I'm Still Here

Just wanted to let all my lovelies know that I am still here:o) We have been busy...insanely busy. I have been working on a few projects between outings, but can't really post anything b/c I don't have pictures yet, and there are a few of which need some finishing touches. I'm going to be working on some Father's Day crafts as well. Here's a pic of something I have worked on in the past and just made one for S.R. Waiting on it to be monogrammed.
The lining of hers is a different color, but the main fabric is the same. I have a few other sewing projects I have been working on and I will fill you in on those once I get them back from the lady who is monogramming them for me. Hope you guys are enjoying your summer. I am having a blast, but I am ready for things to slooooooow down:o)


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