Painting My Living Room

I am painting my living room today!!!! I am so excited about this. I have had two gallons of "Comfort Gray" just waiting to be rolled onto the walls(3 weeks sitting on my pantry floor):o) 

I have never had paint sit that long, unopened... It's gonna be great!
The yard sale didn't go as well as I had hoped. I sold almost all of the big stuff, but there were so many clothes, that it didn't look like I sold anything. We live out in the country now, so that may have had a little bit to do with the low turn out. We are going to try it again this weekend, but at a friend's home that has lots-o-traffic. 
We now have reached 75 followers!!!! Stay tuned for the next giveaway. I think I will announce it on Wed. or Thurs.
Also, remember that tomorrow is Tuesday Tutorials day. Hope to see you back here tomorrow!


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