M.I.A. but will be back soon

I have been missing in action here lately, I do know that. I have been extremely busy with summer activities and enjoying spending time with my babies. E is going to be starting preschool this year, so I am trying to fit in as much as possible before he takes off...sniff, sniff:( I am looking forward to spending some quality time with S.R. though.
I have had very little motivation in the world of crafting and projects. I am in the middle of a project that has been sitting in the laundry room floor for over a week now. Something is missing and I don't know what to do to finish it off, so it sits:o) 
I have been "putting up" lots of veggies in the freezer and tried my hand at canning some pickles the other day. They turned out so good that the hubs won't stay out of them. He has gone thru 2 quarts in about 4 days...by himself:o)
I will eventually get something posted on here, but for now, I am focused on my sweets. Taking them to see a free movie today. We need to take a break from the sun. We got a little roasty toasty yesterday at the water park. I look like a raccoon today:o) Lots of makeup for the next few days;o) Have a great rest of the week!!


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