Christmas Ornament Week-Day 1

It has begun.....I have started decorating for Christmas. Crazy...I know. But I have my reasons. The main one being that I need to help my mother put hers up and she has only slightly less than I do:o) I have 3 trees, and I am about to get one more. I set up S.R.'s tree yesterday and it is so cute. I will share pics of it soon. She LURVES it;o) I put E's tree up as well, but his is lacking a key element....ornaments! Once I get the new tree, it will need ornaments as well. Ornaments can get expensive, so this year I am making them. 
Today's ornament is super easy, super fast, and most importantly, SUPER CHEAP. These frames came from the Dollar Tree.
I flipped them over and popped the backs off of them.
I went to the The Graphics Fairy, and searched the Christmas tab and found the pictures I wanted to print off. I copied and pasted into word and resized the pictures to fit the frames. Afterwards, I glued some twine on the back to hang the ornament.
Easy Peasy and cute to boot;o) I love these ornaments. I think they look a little fancy, but they are so inexpensive to make!
The rest of the week I will be sharing more ornaments that I have made, so stay tuned....I may share a tree or two by the end of the week;o)
Happy Tuesday to all!


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