Christmas Ornament Week-Day 3

Today I have two ornaments to share with you. The first being super easy. 
This ornament is nothing more than a feather boa wrapped around a Styrofoam ball, with a little hot glue here and there. I had one feather boa on hand and purchased one more. I got them from Hobby Lobby and if you  use your 40% off coupon, you can get them pretty cheap. I made 4, and the main reason I wanted these was to use them as filler for the tree. They are nice and fluffy and fill a lot of space.
This next ornament was great in theory, but in was extremely painful. I burned my fingers so many times!! I had planned on making the twine go all the way to the bottom, but after the blisters left on 2 fingers occurred, I decided to just glitter the bottom. There will only be one of these ornaments hanging on my tree:o) 
I gotta hurry up and get that tree b/c the ornaments are starting to pile up in the office:o) The hubs isn't really thrilled about the prospect of owning 4 trees....oh well:o)


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