Appliqued Boy's T-Shirts

Here are some cute little T's that I made for E. He is so excited about these:o)
The shirts were purchased from Walmart. The only thing I don't like about their boy t-shirts is they have a pocket. I have to remove the pockets and that is definitely a pain, but I do love paying only $3.50 for each shirt.
I can't decide which I like best. 
They are so fun:o)
They took very little time to make and E is so happy about them. He can't wait to wear them to preschool.
I have some fabric that I purchased from Joann's the other day that will match BOTH of these shirts perfectly. I see some new shorts in E's very near future;o)
I am in the process of reconstructing my site. Hopefully it will be easier to access things, and look a little cleaner:o) 


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