Busy Sewing Day

I missed out on some major yard sales today b/c I have a mission...
.plus I don't have any money:o) 
This mission WILL be accomplished TODAY. 
I have 4 dresses that need to be made for some bridesmaids. The wedding has a vintage feel to it, and from the sound of it, it's going to rock!
 Here are the dresses that I am making:
The blue one on the far right...it's reeeeeally cute:o)

And this pattern:

These dresses are fairly simple in construction, and I won't have to finish them completely since I will need to do a fitting, but THEY GOTTA GET DONE!!
I can't wait to see them completed:o)
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend...I really want to start fixing up all of my yard sale finds from last weekend, but these dresses have to take priority.
Wish me luck;o)
b.t.w....this is day 4 of not having Facebook....I feel sort of cut off from the world...but I am trying to be free;o) If I weren't so stinkin' nosy, it might not be as bad..lol!!


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