Yesterday I spent the better part of nap time doing a little house cleaning...not my actual house, which desperately needs it, but on my blog.
I made a new header and created a new button...
It was frustrating to say the least because my computer skills are less than mediocre, but I got it done. Now whether the button is right....who knows??? Let me know if it works....if it doesn't, I am going to go crawl in a whole and lay in the fetal position and suck my thumb...:o)
My button does not work...waaaaah:o( Gotta figure out what is going on..stay tuned:o{
Major house cleaning today since I have a few clients coming this afternoon and tomorrow. I am desperately wanting to repaint the dining room...shhhh! Don't tell the hubs;o)
And I have to help with E's Easter party tomorrow, so I will be making cake pops today. So much to do, so little time.Have a fantastic Wednesday!!
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