Teachers Gifts

School is out, and E couldn't be happier. I think he was a little bothered that S.R. got to stay home with mommy & do all sorts of cool things:o) But he really did love his teachers and made tons of friends.

Here are the gifts that he gave his teachers.
I love vinyl, and I will put it on just about anything. Teachers need to stay hydrated, right? So why not supply them with a cute cup to keep the hydration going?

One of his teacher's is a HUGE Bama fan. So her's was easy enough to figure out.

E was so funny about the next 2:o) He said that Mrs. J loved fingers...hahaha!

And he said that Miss C loved flowers:o) Too cute!

They really loved their cups. Mrs. S even sent me an email to tell me she had been using her cup all weekend. Score!
Nothing like making someone happy with a little something special!
Tomorrow I hope to be starting a little something new, so stayed tuned...should be fun!


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