My Home for the Holidays-Home Tour

I hope that you all are having a great day. I have finally gotten around to taking pictures of my Christmas decorations. About time, right?:o)
I have added a few new things, but most of the decorations are the same as last year. 
Here is our mantle. 
 The headboard above our mantle and the sheet music wreath are two of my favorite items in the whole house. Me loves them!;o)
The "Merry" pennant banner was made from painters  canvas, twine, stencils & black fabric paint. I have two more hanging in the house as well.
I added a few more paper wreath ornaments to the tree this year. They were left over from my craft booth. I was actually kind of glad I had so many left over. I love how they look on my tree.
I finally got our family pictures in some frames. I still have 6 more that need to be framed..ahh!
This picture is awful, but there is no natural light in this area during the winter months. Anyway, you get the general idea:o)
I got E a new tree this year. I noticed last year that none of his black ornaments could be seen on the dark green tree, so this year I opted for white, and I think it's perfect for his "Star Wars" themed tree.
 "Come to the Dark Side"
 He LOVES his tree, and it's helping us to slowly transition into a Star Wars bedroom. I have a few ideas for his room, but those will have to wait until after the new year.
We put a bigger tree in S.R.'s room this year. The ornaments are the same, so there isn't much to report about this one...other than it's super girly and has little Barbies all over, which she had a fit over:o)
 Did you notice Cinderella on the wall? I don't think I showed you all the "after" when I had her framed. She was an early Christmas present...I couldn't wait to get it on the wall.
Our dining room...I decided to have less fuss in here...more because I am just lazy now:o) Our neighborhood Holiday walk is next week, so the table will more than likely get a sprucing up before then.
I don't think I have shared this new piece with you all..or maybe I have..who knows! Anyway, this hall tree sits at the entrance of the office. It was given to me and I LOVE it. Accept when I smash my knee into it in the middle of the night..OUCH! The hubs has "run" into the same problem;o) 
I hung the kids special stockings on here. These particular stockings hold their letters to Santa...then Santa's elf comes to get the letters and hand delivers them to Santa.
The kids love this little tradition.
 And last but not least, the master bedroom tree. 
I found this tree on a Facebook yardsale page a few weeks back..9 feet and pre-lit for $80. The seller actually turned out to be one of my clients..ha!
I have one more tree upstairs, but it's nothing to write home about.
I hope that you all have enjoyed a glimpse into my home for the holidays. Maybe you found a little inspiration for your own home.
Have a great weekend!
I will have a Ballard Designs Knock Off to share with you all on Monday. See you then!

Participating in:

A Christmas Tree Party


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