Makeover House Reveal-The Hallway

Welcome back for part 3 of our reveal series!
Today will be a quick post. It's only the hallway, but I felt it was worth sharing because I thought it was pretty:o)
This is the before...
Just a lonely bookcase crammed full of books and photos.
 And the after....
 The pictures came from Old Time Pottery, as well as the sconce.
The small bookcase came from Hobby Lobby.
 This arrangement seemed to fit the space better. It needed a little something, but not too much because we didn't want the hallway to be crowded.
I tried to make sure that the prints had some blue in them because this is the hallway that leads to the unfinished blue entertainment room. I will hopefully get to finish it very soon:o)
So here is the before again..
 and the after..
Come back tomorrow and see the office reveal!


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