Family Night-The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's

Friday means it's time to share our family night theme again. 
We watched the Wonderful Wizard of Ha's this week. It was a mix between the Prodigal son parable from the Bible and the Wizard of was so cute, and the kids loved it.
For my weekly email to the hubs, he received the menu below. I found the picture from Christians Best, and used Picmonkey to add the menu.
  If you think you might want to re-use this picture, feel free to copy and paste...or go to the link above, and create your own.
Here is our delightful spread for the evening. 
 We had homemade strawberry lemonade in mason jars, and since we were watching Veggie Tales, I decided to add in a few veggies:o)
 We were supposed to have mini hamburgers for dinner, but I forgot to thaw the hamburger meat...we made a quick trip to visit grandparents on Wednesday, so I didn't fix the Ham and Cheese Sliders that evening. They were a quick and delicious fix! The hubs loved them!
For dessert, we had Bob the Tomato cookies. I used store bought cookies and cookie icing. They were fairly easy to make, and you can kind of tell who they are supposed to be;o) We also had a slew of unhealthy candy....we had veggies, so that counteracts all the sugar, right?;o)
 Here is a closer view of the Bob's.
 I also found these cute coloring pages from the same website from above. The kids loved this part as well, especially S.R.
Since the movie was short, we put in the real Wizard of Oz to finish the night off. 
Another great family night!!!


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